Nuevo webinar gratuito

 sin morir en el intento"

Los 3 secretos para lograr el equilibrio en tu vida

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12 de Enero 6 pm, Cd. Mx. 
(5 pm, Calgary)

Cupo límite 200 personas
Un Webinar Exclusivo

Lo que aprenderás en esta clase...

Secreto #1

¿Qué es el equilibrio y cómo llevarlo a tu vida?

Secreto #2

¿Cómo lograr tus metas con planes realistas?

Secreto #3

¿Cómo tener bienestar con, sin y a pesar de todo?

About Your Presenter

The new OptimizePress Builder combines simplicity of a visual editing interface, with the power of supercharged marketing integrations to power your campaigns

Heather Ross

Certified Yoga Instructor

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna en lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Vivamus sagittis lacus e vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

More Highlights From Our Presentation

My step-by-step framework for mastering Yoga and building exceptional flexibility, from scratch, with no previous yoga experience.
The 7 deadly mistakes you MUST avoid when starting your first Yoga session (this can cost you $$$ in lost practice if you get it wrong).
The unique method you can use to get almost unlimited flexibility to any Yoga pose you perform. Use this for your own or practice for maximum results!
My secret resources for finding the best free Yoga matts to dramatically increase the quality of your practice.
With my simple Yoga Training formula you can rapidly start growing your flexibility quickly and effortlessly. 

Reserve Your Space on this Exclusive Webinar

In this exclusive live web class, you'll discover the simple strategy to improve your yoga flexibility and poses quickly, and in under 12 months!

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